54. Tolstoy Oleg Vladimirovich

Brothers, sisters

Born on 3 July, 1927 in Tetovo, Yugoslavia, died on 1 August, 1992 in Moscow. Buried in Kochaki cemetery.

First marriage to Tatiana Vladimirovna Pligina (born on 29 April, 1929). Divorced in 1961.

Second marriage in 1967 to Olga Alexeyevna Tomara (born on 3 December, 1935 in Rostov-on-Don).

Painter. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR since 1959. Participant in many exhibitions at home and abroad. His private exhibition in Yasnaya Polyana museum (1989–1990) and also posthumous exhibition in the Central House of Artists in Moscow (1994) were a great success.

Moscow, Russia.

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