3. Tolstaya Tatiana Lvovna
Zhdanov V. A., Starshaya doch’ L’va Tolstogo in the book: L. N. Tolstoi. Stat’i i materialy, Gorky, 1970, vol. 7.
Shifman A. I., Vospominaniya docheri (vstupit. stat’ya) in the book: Sukhotina-Tolstaya T. L., Vospominanyia.
Albertini-Sukhotina T. M., Moya mat’ – Yasnopolyanskii sbornik, 1978, Tula, 1979.
Volkova T. N., Ot sostavitelya (vstupit. stat’ya) in the book:
Sukhotina-Tolstaya T. L., Dnevnik.
Tolstoy S. M., Deti Tolstogo, Tula, 1990.
Devoted to N. P. Puzin
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