4. Tolstoy Ilya Lvovich

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Ilya Lvovich TOLSTOY, born on 22 May, 1866 at Yasnaya Polyana, died on 11 December, 1933 in New Haven. Buried in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

First marriage on 28 February, 1888 to Sofia Nikolayevna Filosofova (born on 28 July, 1867, died in 1934 in Prague. Buried in the Olshansk Russian cemetery in the Czech Republic).

Second marriage in 1920 to Nadezhda Klimentievna Katulskaya (Parshina by her first marriage).

Writer and memoirist. Pseudonym Ilya Dubrovsky. Author of the book “Moi vospominaniya. Odnim podletsom men’she. Trup”, Moscow, 1969.

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