5. Tolstoy Lev Lvovich

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Lev Lvovich Tolstoy, born on 20 May, 1869 at Yasnaya Polyana, died on 18 October, 1945 in the town of Hlsingborg. Buried at the Sirikping Church in Skon, Sweden. (1)

First marriage on 15 May, 1896 to Dora Westerlund (born on 17 November, 1878, died on 3 May, 1933 in Sweden). Buried in the Funbo cemetery.

Second marriage to Marianna Nikolayevna Solskaya.

Writer and sculptor. Pseudonym Lvov. Author of the reminiscences «Otryvok iz moego dnevnika 1903» Stolitsa i usad’ba, 1914, № 3; Pravda o moem ottse, Leniningrad, 1924.

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